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About the Art

I have assembled a vast array of  skills over my 60 + years; chef, master ice artist, tallow sculptor, chain saw artist, carpenter, electrician, plumber, sign painter, fire artist, costume artist and more. I am combining all disciplines necessary to fully express my creative visions in a true "fusion collaborative". I am giving the designation of "fusion sculpture" and am adding a bit of sculpture/ carving to each piece. The sheer joy I'm finding in the creative process is unbelievable. Each piece is a result of the creative tornado inside my conscious spirit. They involve a lot of process and problem solving as well as pure sculpting.

My influences come from all aspects of life but particularly nature, steampunk, burner culture, cosplay, tattoo art, pinstriping and deep whimsey. Most items used to create work are recycled, vintage or antique. Sculpted wood is usually reclaimed fallen trees. Sculpted items are Skratchworks, Pal Tiya, clay, fimo and more. My aspiration is to leave a small footprint and a giant impression. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Click the picture below for a virtual studio tour

hyperbaric ballet.jpg
fire and ice man.jpg

Artist Bio

As I enter the most creative period of my life, I reflect with gratitude, my ability to be here to express it. I survived two strokes thanks to the heroic actions of my wife (Carol), the excellent care and treatment at Seton Medical Center Austin and a President who cared enough to help provide a pathway to insurance for millions of Americans. 

I began my career as a self taught chef and worked my way through private clubs, hotels, casinos and a catering venue. My first award for art at a culinary competition was a special judges award for a tallow sculpture of two knights in full armor battling with broadswords. It was invited into an exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I taught myself to sculpt ice and began a path to being  a self employed artist for over 30 years thanks to the foresight of my wife. I carved thousands of sculptures along the way, honed my skills and developed my creative eye, garnering International and National awards and Gold medals along the way.

After moving to the Texas hill country to semi-retire, I was able to turn away from the everyday grind of creating sculptures for my clients choosing to develop a new genre of art to fully reflect my artistic visions. The creative energy here is palpable and the list of sculptures to create and projects to make seems endless. I hope for the time and energy to make them all and will love to share them with all of you. 

We're not going to a theme park; we ARE the ride...  enjoy.

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